Presented by:


Nikhil Shetty

from Apple

Nikhil Shetty is a Database engineer at Apple. He has a total of 8 years of experience as a PostgreSQL DBA. He is a passionate learner and has firm grip on key concepts of PostgreSQL. He is also a cloud enthusiast and has professional certifications in multiple cloud technologies. In his free time he likes to play football or cricket or watch movies


Siva Mekala

from Apple Inc

Siva Mekala is a Database engineer at Apple. He has a total of 8 years of experience as a PostgreSQL DBA. He is also a cloud enthusiast who loves to explore and develop cloud technologies and see how best they can be utilised for PostgreSQL. He is passionate about automation and likes to automate anything that is required to be done repetitively. In his free time he likes to watch movies

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To discuss about the rollback option with minimum downtime on a multi terabyte DB after major version upgrade

What are we going to talk about?

We will be talking on what are the different approaches that we can have to roll back to the older version in minimal time.

A) Rollback after completion of upgrade

  1. Rollback with zero data loss to the older DB version.

  2. Rollback with minimal data loss to the older DB version.

B) Rollback during the upgrade process

2023 February 24 - 14:00
45 min
Grand Victoria 2
PGConf India, 2023
Database Administration

Happening at the same time:

  1. MERGE: Built to Remove Barriers
  2. Start Time:
    2023 February 24 14:00

    Grand Victoria 1

  3. How unused indexes, fragmentation and idle connections slow down DB performance
  4. Start Time:
    2023 February 24 14:00

    Robusta + Arabica