Presented by:


Shruthi K C

from EnterpriseDB

Staff Software Development Engineer

Checkout the slides

Title: MERGE: Built to Remove Barriers Name(s) of speaker & Job title: Shruthi K C, Staff Software Development Engineer 2A, Database Tech Lead

This talk takes through the most awaited feature of Postgres - MERGE SQL command. MERGE is a key feature of Postgres 15. To begin with, the talk explains the background and importance of MERGE. The problems the MERGE can solve? How this feature can accelerate Postgres adoption? How it can save the migration efforts? In addition to the migration benefit, how MERGE can help developers to write less code and more readable code. How MERGE can achieve multiple operations in a single command.

The talk will cover key areas of the MERGE command like syntax, behavior, and how to use the MERGE command along with examples and outcomes. The talk also covers the syntax and behavior comparison w.r.t Oracle’s MERGE. Finally, the talk will discuss the limitations and wish list for future releases.

2023 February 24 - 14:00
45 min
Grand Victoria 1
PGConf India, 2023
Application Developer

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