Presented by:


Paresh Rathod

from Google

Paresh is Director in Google Cloud Engineering and focuses on databases portfolio and India databases site which includes AlloyDB, Cloud SQL, MemoryStore and Spanner. Paresh has more than 24 years of industry experience. Prior to Google, Paresh was part of SAP LABs and focused on databases. Paresh has a strong database background and has spent time building databases in Google, Informix, IBM, Sybase and SAP.


Sriram Melkote

from Google

Sriram is responsible for AlloyDB team in India, and focuses on both the kernel and platform aspects of the product. Sriram is technical enthusiast in databases space and has more than 20 years of industry experience. Prior to Google, Sriram worked in database space both building and using databases at Couchbase, Oracle, Yahoo! and Siebel. Sriram's loves to play with microcontrollers and has been an early enthusiast of Go language.

AlloyDB is a GCP cloud native database with Postgres Kernel and custom storage. AlloyDB utilizes transaction logs to materialize storage blocks offline, offering high throughputs and resilient recovery. AlloyDB also supports replication to managed read pool instances. AlloyDB also has ability to materialize columns selected by ML models into column major formats and utilize them for efficient scans. Being able to do this in Postgres code leveraging extension mechanisms and without rewriting large parts of the code, is a testament to the well thought out design and architecture of Postgres.

2023 February 23 - 14:45
45 min
Grand Victoria 1
PGConf India, 2023
Case Study

Happening at the same time:

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  2. Start Time:
    2023 February 23 14:45

    Grand Victoria 2

  3. Identity Crisis: through the lens of a developer
  4. Start Time:
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    Robusta + Arabica